
Festivalului “Zilele Rezervatiei forestiere Tatarusi”

Festivalul “Zilele Rezervatiei forestiere Tatarusi” se va organiza in comuna Tatarusi, pe durata a trei zile. Activitatile acestuia se vor desfasura deopotriva la Caminul Cultural „Alexandru Vasiliu” din Tatarusi si in rezervatia forestiera.

Evenimentul va include:
- concert de muzica traditionala sustinut de ansamblul copiilor din Tatarusi ce se va desfasura la Caminul Cultural „Alexandru Vasiliu” din localitate
- concurs „treasure hunt”. Acest concurs imbina ingeniozitatea, spontaneitatea si spiritul de echipa. Concurentii trebuie sa treaca printr-o serie de probe la finalul carora vor gasi comoara (premiul). Concursul va acoperi cele mai importante zone ale rezervatiei forestiere „Tatarusi” incercând sa combine abilitatile tehnice, fizice si intelectuale cu buna cunoastere a ariei protejate. Concurentii vor fi selectati dintre turistii special sositi pentru eveniment.
- piesa de teatru interpretata de tineri din comuna si care se va desfasura la Caminul Cultural „Alexandru Vasiliu” din localitate
- concurs de fotografie. Acest concurs va fi organizat atât in cadrul evenimentelor festivalului, cât si in mod frecvent in cadrul site-ului Internet al rezervatiei. Concursul va urmari sa sporeasca gradul de notorietate al Rezervatiei forestiere in rândul turistilor români, concomitent cu promovarea spiritului ecologic si protejarii mediului inconjurator.
- conferinta pe teme de ecoturism. Activitatea se va desfasura la Caminul Cultural din Tatarusi pe durata a doua zile, iar participantii vor fi principal persoanele fizice implicate in turismul rural, alaturi de reprezentanti ai autoritatilor publice locale din comuna Tatarusi si comunele invecinate, ai ONG-urilor de turism din judetul Iasi, ai custodelui rezervatiei – Regia Nationala a Padurilor Romsilva, ai unitatilor de primire turistica din comuna si din judet, agentii de turism, operatori de turism, reprezentanti ai mediului de afaceri si mass media. In cadrul seminarului se vor prezenta si discuta principiile si metodele planificarii dezvoltarii integrate si durabile a ecoturismului, cu accent in special pe acele modele ce se pot aplica cu succes la Tatarusi si in alte zone rurale ale Regiunii de Nord-Est.

Acest eveniment are capacitatea de a imbunatati capacitatile institutionale ale autoritatilor locale, ale operatorilor locali si regionali de a conduce, activa in si de a promova ecoturismul in Regiunea de Nord-Est. El va crea o baza pentru dezvoltarea turismului in zona rurala intr-un mod integrat, echilibrat si durabil, asa incât sa aduca beneficii culturale si socio-economice considerabile comunitatii locale, fara a genera probleme serioase de ordin ecologic si socio-cultural.

- expozitie de arta populara traditionala. Acest eveniment este o demonstratie a faptului ca in satele comunei Tatarusi folclorul s-a pastrat nealterat si consecvent, in multitudinea modalitatilor sale de exprimare. Manifestarea va urmari identificarea autenticului in arta populara româneasca, cercetând si valorificând creatiile de profil: tesaturi, cusaturi, impletituri, prelucrarea lemnului si a metalelor, alte obiecte de artizanat. Expozitia de arta populara va arata ca interesul pentru valorile autentice si pentru revigorarea lor exista in rândul turistilor si va pune in valoare potentialul artistic si creativ deosebit al locuitorilor comunei Tatarusi.


The “Tatarusi Forest Reserve Days” festival

The “Tatarusi Forest Reserve Days” festival will be held in the Tatarusi commune, for the duration of three days. Its activities will take place both at the Cultural House “Alexandru Vasiliu” in Tatarusi and the forest reserve.

The event will include:
- Traditional music concert supported by all children in Tatarusi which will be held at the Cultural House “Alexandru Vasiliu” from the locality
- Competition “Treasure Hunt”. This competition combines ingenuity, spontaneity and team spirit. Competitors must pass through a series of tasks at the end of which they will find the treasure (prize). The competition will cover the most important areas of forest reserve “Tatarusi” trying to combine technical skills, physical and intellectual knowledge of the protected area. Contestants will be selected from special guests arrived for the event.
- A play performed by the young people from the Community will be held at the Cultural House “Alexandru Vasiliu” from the locality
- Photo contest. This contest will be held both in the festival events, as well as frequently on the Internet site of the reservation. The competition will seek to enhance the awareness of forest reservations among the Romanian tourists, while promoting and protecting the ecological environment spirit.
- Conference on Ecotourism. The activity will be held at the Cultural House Tatarusi over two days, the participants will be primarily individuals involved in rural tourism, along with representatives of local public authorities and municipalities of Tatarusi neighboring villages, tourism ONG from Iasi County , custodian of the reserve – National Forest Romsilva, of tourist accommodation units in the village and the county, travel agencies, tour operators, business representatives and media. During the seminar will be presented and discussed the principles and methods of integrated planning and sustainable development of ecotourism, with particular emphasis on those models that can be applied successfully to Tatarusi and other rural areas in the Northeast Region.

This event has the potential to improve the institutional capacity of local authorities, local and regional operators to lead, be a part and to promote eco-tourism in the North-East region. It will create a basis for tourism development in the rural areas in an integrated, balanced and sustainable way, so as to bring considerable cultural and socio-economic benefits to the local community, without causing serious ecological and socio-cultural problems.

- Folk Art exhibition. This event is a demonstration of the fact that folklore was preserved around Tatarusi villages unaltered and consistent, in the numerous ways of it’s characteristics. The event will identify the authentic and the original in the Romanian folk art, researching and making profitable creations: weaving, stitching, weaving, woodworking and metal work and other handicrafts. The Folk art exhibition will show that interest in the authentic values ​​and their revival among the tourists and will highlight the artistic and particularly the creative potential of the Tatarusi inhabitants.

Proiect selectat in cadrul Programului Operational Regional si cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala.

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