
Calea turismului inteligent

În ultima vreme, agroturismul a capatat noi valente prin includerea in pachetul de oferte a componentei culturale. Oameni din alte regiuni reusesc sa descopere pe viu valori traditionale, specificitati locale prin participarea nemijlocita la viata de zi cu zi a unui loc sau altul. Tatarusi ofera din plin aceasta posibilitate prin zestrea traditionala detinuta si frumusetea locurilor. Minunata padure de fagi de aici ii confera vizitatorului senzatia de armonie si il deconecteaza, macar pentru câteva secvente de tumultul urban.

Strabatuta la pas, cu un minim de echipament, padurea se arata in toata splendoarea prin bogatia de fructe (in sezonul cald), ciuperci si un aer exceptional de curat. Atmosfera este tulburata de sunete ori foşnete, si poti tresari daca vreu caprior ratacit ori vreo vietate bezmetica se trezeste sa-ti apara in cale.

Una peste alta, câteva ore petrecute in sânul padurii te incarca pentru zile bune ce vin dupa. Gasiti locuri excelente de picnic, trasee de plimbare usor de strabatut, fructe de padure, ciuperci, alune. Cu ajutorul unui ghid local puteti ajunge in locuri de legenda, padurea Tatarusi fiind spatiul in care s-au derulat multe fapte din vechime care au strabatut timpul pâna la noi. Se aminteste de existenta unor tâlhari fiorosi care isi aveau salasul in portiunea inalta a padurii, care servea ca loc de observatie si pentru valea Siretului, si pentru valea Moldovei, loc cunoscut azi sub numele de Curtile zmeilor.

În vechime, se spune ca, acestia furau fetele frumoase de la horele din sat, navalind mascati si inarmati pe nepusa masa, ecoul acelor fapte fiind si azi folosit de bunicii care vor sa astâmpere avântul nepotilor de a fugi in padure la joaca, cu povesti despre zmeii grozavi din adâncul acesteia. Daca ajungeti la Curtile zmeilor veti gasi urme ale unor fortificatii si tuneluri care dovedesc ca acolo a fost cândva o lucrare omeneasca.

Aventuri cinegetice

Daca sunteti pasionat de vânatoare, fondul cinegetic al padurii confera posibilitatea de organizare a unor partide cu acordul autoritatilor si in conditiile legilor in vigoare. Se pot vâna capriori, mistreti, iepuri salbatici, fazani, zona fiind lesne de strabatut la picior sau cu vehicule de teren. Pentru astfel de indeletniciri va puteti adresa Inspectoratului Silvic Judetean Iasi, in administrarea caruia este fondul de vânatoare din Padurea Tatarusi.

Spatiu de studiu şi cercetare dendrologica

Rezervatia forestiera Tatarusi este reprezentativa pentru zona Moldovei, aici gasindu-se arbori de dimensiuni impresionante pentru speciile lor. Desi preponderent este prezent fagul, mai gasim carpen, ulm, frasin, alun, cires salbatic si alte specii arboricole specifice podisului. O atractie este zona cu plante carnivore, la care se ajunge cu ajutorul padurarului sau al unui ghid, si care sunt ramasite vii alte ultimei glaciatiuni. Date fiind spatiile accesibile si bogatia de specii, rezervatia isi deschide spatiul pentru aprofundarea cunostintelor din scoala in teren si/ sau dezvoltarea unor proiecte de cercetare silvica.

Bogatia zonei

Odata ajunsi aici gasiti spatii de campare generoase si sigure si puteti beneficia de largul concurs al oamenilor locurilor deosebit de ospitalieri. Puteti opta pentru cazarea in gospodariile satenilor, dornici de noi cunostinte sau pentru o cazare aflata la 10 km in Pascani, unde gasiti hotel de trei stele si mai multe pensiuni cu grade diferite de confort. De asemenea la circa 3 km de Tatarusi puteti afla manastirea Probota, edificiu istoric si religios si loc de pelerinaj pentru localnici in zilele de sarbatoare.

Loc cu adânci radacini istorice, Tatarusi are norocul detinerii unei zestre considerabile de legende si balade pe care le veti putea asculta in viu grai de la batrânii satului, dornici de a impartasi din intelepciunea lor celor veniti sa le viziteze locurile.

La Tatarusi puteti degusta din bucatele specifice moldovenesti, gatite la plita sau cuptor cu lemne, din materie prima naturala, deosebit de savuroase si pline de aroma locului. Gasiti la gospodari tuica de Tatarusi, dar si vinuri de casa pentru indulcirea spiritului, astfel ca sederea in aceasta zona poate deveni una de neuitat.


The smart tourism way

In recent years, rural tourism developed new valences by including in the package offers of a cultural component. People from other regions are able to find live traditional values, local specificities by direct participation in the daily life of one place or another. Tatarusi offers this possibility by the traditional heritage sites owned and the beauty of  the places. The beautiful beech forest gives the visitor the feeling of harmony and it disconnects him, or her, at least for a few minutes from the urban turmoil.

Crossed on foot, with a minimum of equipment, the forest splendor shows in the richness of the fruit (in summer), mushrooms and an exceptionally clean air. The atmosphere is disturbed by the sound or rustle, and you can shudder if any lost deer or other giddy creature awakens to appear in your path.

Overall, a few hours spent in the bosom of the forest charges you for the good days to come after. You can find great picnic sites, walking trails easily crossed, berries, mushrooms, peanuts. With a local guide you can get to places of legend, forest Tatarusi being the place where many facts from  ancient times happened that crossed the sea of time to us. It reminds us of the existence of fierce robbers who were dwelling in the high portion of the forest, which served as a place of observation for Siret and Moldova valley, a place known today as Curtile Zmeilor/ the Dragon Courts.

In ancient times, they say that they stole beautiful girls from the village dances, rushing in masked and armed all of a sudden, the echo of those facts is still used today by grandparents who want to quench the grandchildren swing to flee into the woods to play, with stories about the great dragons from its depth. If you arrive at the Dragons courts you will find traces of fortifications and tunnels that prove there was once a human settlement.

Hunting adventures

If you are passionate about hunting, you have the opportunity of hunting amid the forest and the possibility to organize parties, under agreement with the authorities and national laws. You can hunt rafters, wild boar, hare, pheasant, the area being easily crossed on foot or off-road vehicles. For such occupations please contact the County Forest Iasi Inspectorate, which is the Tatarusi forest fund management of hunting.

Study space and dendrological research

Tatarusi forest reserve area is representative for the  Moldova area, here you can find trees of impressive sizes for their species. Although it is present mainly beech, we find hornbeam, elm, ash, hazel, wild cherry and other tree species specific for the plateau. One attraction is the carnivorous plants area, which is reached with the help of a forester or a guide, and are living remnants of the last ice age. Given the available spaces and species richness, the reserve opens its doors to deepen school knowledge in the field and / or development of forest research projects.

The richness of the area

Once there you find generous and safe camping areas and can benefit from the help of very hospitable local people. You can opt for accommodation in the homes of the villagers who are eager for new knowledge or for accommodation located 10 km in Pascani, where you can find three star hotels and several pensions with different degrees of comfort. Also at about 3 km distance you can find Tatarusi Probota monastery, historical and religious edifice and place of pilgrimage for the locals on holidays.

Place with deep historical roots, Tatarusi is fortunate of owning a considerable dowry of legends and ballads that you can listen to word of mouth from village elders, eager to share their wisdom to thouse coming to visit their places.

At Tatarusi you can taste specific moldovan dishes, hob or oven cooked, with wood, from natural raw material, very tasty and full of the flavors place. You can find at the householders Tatarusi brandy, but also wine of the house to sweeten the heart, so that the stay in this area can become an unforgettable one.



Proiect selectat in cadrul Programului Operational Regional si cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala.

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